Alpin Work community

Community Alpin Work - is an association of people interested in industrial mountaineering and high-altitude works. We bring together professionals in this field, as well as anyone who is interested or wants to learn more about this exciting activity.

Our community aims to:

  • Exchange of knowledge and experience: We share useful industrial climbing tips, techniques and skills so that every member can improve their skills and knowledge.
  • Creating a network of contacts: We promote the exchange of experience and cooperation between industrial mountaineering specialists, builders, architects and other interested parties.
  • Promotion of safe work at height: We uphold safety standards in industrial mountaineering and promote the importance of adhering to these standards among all participants.
  • Joint activities and training: We organize meetings, seminars, trainings and other events to give our members the opportunity to practice their skills and network with colleagues.

Join the Alpin Work community if you are interested in industrial mountaineering and work at height, want to improve your skills, or are just looking for interesting conversationalists and colleagues in this field!